Life with is getting easier little by little. Adeline is the most precious, perfect baby so
far that we have ever had! She rarely
cries unless she is really gassy or hungry.
As long as we keep her fed, she is a perfect angel. She even started sleeping through the night
at only 7 weeks old. I just love her so
much. Even though we were really hoping
for another boy to give Brayden a brother, I now couldn’t imagine life without
Adeline! She is the sweetest thing! She smiles all the time at us if you just
look at her and smile. I can’t even
stress how wonderful she is! I guess
Heavenly Father really knew that with all the other changes going on in our
life right now, I probably would not be very sane if she was a difficult
baby. The only thing that has really
upset me is that I really want to enjoy my time with her as a baby and I just
feel that I am not really able to do that since there is so much other stuff
that constantly needs to be done. I wish
that I could just sit around and cuddle her all day, but the house still needs
tons of work done to it and of course just the daily kitchen cleaning, etc.
takes most any other free time I have. I
am back to my exclusive pumping. I know
most people think that is completely crazy, but it works for us. I’m finally starting to not have much pain
anymore. This has been one of the more
painful breastfeeding startups that I remember.
Lots of blisters, sores, even had mastitis twice where I thought I was
getting the flu or something. I had a
fever, could barely move, and my whole body was aching, along with very sore
and tender breasts. Luckily it cleared
up after 2 days. Other than that though,
things have not been too bad. Adeline
currently is not on any type of schedule except for her eating schedule. She currently had 6 bottles a day all about 5
oz each. I currently pump 5 times a day,
but I could probably manage to eliminate one pump since I produce way more than
she eats. I am just always hesitant to
do it since you can’t really get it back once you eliminate it. All the other kids have been very good with
Adeline. Kaitlyn wanted to hold her a
lot when she was a newborn but now doesn’t really pay much attention to her. Brayden rarely pays attention to her. Surprisingly it is Allie who is constantly
all over her. Too much! I catch her rolling all over her trying to
snuggle her and often lays too far on top of her and then of course Adeline
will start crying. It is sweet that
Allie loves her so much, but I almost wish she didn’t since cold and flu season
is now upon us and Allie is constantly touching Adeline’s eyes and mouth and
spreading her germs. Unfortunately
Allie, Brayden and Kaitlyn were all sick last week and all pretty much got over
it in a couple days. But Adeline and I
both caught it and we are still sick!
Luckily Adeline’s is not too bad, but mine is horrible. I actually ended up going to the Minute
Clinic yesterday b/c it only seemed to be getting worse. I have completely lost my voice for the past
4 days and the minute clinic said that I had a bad sinus infection. Apparently my right ear is very inflamed and
I guess that is causing a lot of drainage to drop down into me causing me to
lose my voice and giving me my cough.
And of course it couldn’t have came at a worse time since Justin and I
are leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow!
I am really looking forward to our trip though. Not just because we get to go to Vegas, but I
am looking forward to having some quality time with Adeline. While Justin is at his conferences it will
just be me and her all day with no other obligations and I can’t wait!
One Month Photo Shoot
With everything going on, we never found the time to try and hire a newborn photographer and she was already too old by the time we were even up to it with the new house and all. So Justin and I tried to take a few ourselves. Nothing wonderful like a photographer could, but we still love our beautiful girl anyway!
Two Month Photo Shoot
We also had Adeline's blessing one of the last weekends in October. All the family came into town for the occasion! It was great having every one there to support Adeline for her blessing day!
My beautiful baby girl!
Our first family photo as a family of 6! Too bad it took us 2 months to get around to it!
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