Sunday, May 26, 2013

Brayden's 18 month stats

Last month Brayden had his 18 month check-up.  Overall he has been progressing pretty slowly, but I have definitely noticed an improvement in his communication skills.  He has finally started saying a few words here and there, but no sentences.  His only words he does on his own are Mama and Dada.  He also says a few animal sounds if you ask what the animal says.  He will also repeat a few different words if you ask him to, but doesn't speak them on his own.  He has been teething terribly.  All 4 of his canines started coming in the last month or so and he has been sooooo grumpy!  Some of Brayden's favorite things to do is read books and go to the playground and swing.  His 18 month stats are:

Length: 32" (25-50%)
Weight: 23 lb 8 oz (10-25%)
Head: 48 1/2" cm (50-75%)

Another update that we did was move Kaitlyn into Brayden's room.  So far it hasn't been too bad.  I imagine it being much worse if Brayden was able to get out of his crib.  Kaitlyn tries to come out of the room and that causes problems, but if we make her stay in they have adjusted pretty well and go to sleep after about 30 min or so.  Once Allie is sleeping through the night well and on a good solid schedule we will move Kaitlyn back into her room with Allie.