Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sewing Projects

So I am finally getting around to publishing my sewing projects post. These have all been completed for quite a while, but I have just been slack about updating my blog. So here they all are. Most are clothes for me. A lot of them are from fabric that I have had lying around for a long time, but just never actually sat down to try and make anything. This first one here is a teething rail cover for Kaitlyn's crib. When she first learned to pull herself up she was destroying it. So I had originally looked around for something b/c I knew I didn't want the plastic covers. I found these cloth covers that I like the look of better at Target you can see Here and Here. But I really didn't want to pay $21.99 each plus tax and shipping for both the front and the sides since it is an online only product. So I thought this has to be easy enough to make. And I could pick out whatever fabric I want! So I went on a trip to Mary Jo's and got all my supplies for only around $10! And I thought the colors ended up matching Kaitlyn's current room attire pretty well!

So Here is the final product up on her crib. I made little fabric ties that just tie to each other and so far she hasn't messed with them and is content biting on the fabric instead of her crib! Plus this can just be washed whenever it gets dirty!

Close up of front and side covers: Letters I painted for Kaitlyn's room. I can't remember if I ever posted these on my blog or not. It's hard to see all the detail in this picture, but I think they turned out pretty cute. I finished them while I was still pregnant, otherwise I knew I would never get it done!

Two skirts: Green with white flower embroidery and a blue seersucker

Dress with sleeves that tie at the end
Green Damask dress
Pink semi-formal dress. I made this to wear on the cruise that Justin and I are going on.
So that's all. The skirts and dresses were all made by patterns, but the crib rail cover I made on my own. I wish I had more time to make more stuff, but that is enough for now. I still have a pile of fabric in my guest room waiting on me though!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where oh where has my Summer went!?!?

I realized that it has been way too long since I last posted. I still plan on doing my sewing project post as well, but I have just been so busy! But I figured I at least need to update at least for me to look back on. Life has been crazy busy lately. We literally had an obligation almost every single weekend in July and it has just now started to calm down. I feel like summer has slipped through my fingertips. Justin and I had bought season passes to Carowinds in high hopes of spending our free time there, but we just made it to the water park for the first time last night! And we only did that b/c this is the last week it is open during weekdays. It was a fun night away though while my mom babysat. I did actually head down to the beach with my family for a few days. Justin stayed home, so I rode down with my mom and Kaitlyn.

Here is a picture of the three of us:

My mom with Kaitlyn at the ocean. She HATED the ocean. She would scream and lift her legs up so that the water never touched her! haha!

One of our good friends from our days at the Singles Ward got married the last weekend in July. It was nice to get to go to the temple twice in one month since Justin's sister had gotten married at the beginning of the month! Here is a picture of our group from the Singles. We have all remained really good friends and try to get together often.
I have also been getting the pleasure of spending a lot more time with my High School friends as well! All but one has moved back to Charlotte and so a few of us that are either between jobs or on maternity leave have been getting together for lunches. This is me and my friend Emily and her baby Caleb.So now for my neglected update on Life. Kaitlyn is about to be 11 months old! Eeek! Where did the time go! Just Kidding...the first 6 months were ROUGH and I am happy to have them behind me! But I would be crazy to complain about her now. She has literally transformed into a completely different baby. Ever since she became mobile she has done a complete 180 and transformed into this happy, sweet baby! We like to think that she was just bored out of her mind being stuck in a body that couldn't do what she wanted it to do. Now that she is mobile she is wonderful! I must finally be experiencing the bliss that new moms have! haha. I know this will sound bad, but other first time parents would always be talking about how awesome it was and how much they were in love with their little one...and then Justin and I would be like "we got the short end of the stick I guess...haha...I mean of course we LOVED her, but I just never had those sweet bliss moments. Now when I see her smile and laugh and play her little games it is just pure happiness. So here is to hoping she continues to get better and better!