Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kaitlyn Hannah Wood

This post is long overdue, but I have just now found the time to get around to it! So here goes...

Kaitlyn Hannah Wood was born Monday September 28th at 2:13 pm. She weighed 6 lb 2 oz and was 19in. long. The labor was actually not too bad. I went into labor around 1:30am Sunday night. I woke up and tried to go back to sleep, but realized the contractions were coming regularly at 5 minute intervals. I woke Justin up after about the 5th one and told him I thought I was in labor. We got up and started to get our hospital bag packed (which we had not done since she was 8 days early!) and we tried to just hang around. I took a bath and then we finally went to the hospital at about 6:00. My contractions had started coming about 3 minutes apart and were getting much stronger. Around 11 am my midwife stated that I was still not dialated at all. I had had the surgery where they go in and freeze cancerous cells in your cervix and it had left scar tissue so they said they were going to need to induce me. They told me I probably would want to have the epidural so i did. It was great! Everything was a breeze after that and she was born within about an hour and a half of getting the epidural and being induced!

Everything went smoothly and Kaitlyn was healthy and just perfect! She was so tiny...which made it easier on me since I only had to push for 25 minutes! The first two weeks we thought she was the perfect baby! All she did was sleep literally almost all day long. Then she woke up and has stayed awake since! haha! She cries a lot. I know they say you can't spoil them at this age, but if she is awake she has to be held. She cries every time you put her down. So it makes it very hard to get anything done! It wasn't too bad when I wasn't working, but now that I have started back to work it makes it pretty difficult!

This past week has been better though. She has started to get on a schedule finally and for the past three nights has only woke up once during the night to eat. We are just so happy to be parents and love her so much! It's so funny how just the smallest little things that she does make you so happy! She is just so cute...well when she is not crying! haha!

Here are some pictures of her life so far...

5 minutes after birth

Kaitlyn in her "Going Home" outfit

Arriving at home to find a Giant Stork!

All wrapped up after her first bath!

Daddy and Kaitlyn at her first outing to the Belmont Festival

Almost all of her outfits are huge on her!

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