Length: 30 inches (10-25%)
Weight: 23 lb 8 oz (25-50%)
Head: 47.5 (50%)
We finally had a nice streak of about a month with no sickness! Everyone but myself I guess. But mine was more of a sinus infection that went out of control! It lasted about 5 weeks and was so bad that I literally could not even blow my nose most days it was that completely clogged. I tried a neti pot but it just went up into my head or ears and hurt so bad b/c my nose was too clogged for it to work. It started traveling up to my eyes and I would wake up with my eyes crusted shut from the infection. I even went through a whole 10 day bottle of Antibiotics and it still didn't even finally clear up after that for another week. It was seriously horrible. But at least Kaitlyn and Brayden were finally better and that always makes things easier! As for Brayden's 15 month accomplishments, he is pretty behind I would say. He is definitely on track for the physical skills (walked at 12 months, can climb onto furniture, etc) but his communication skills are way behind. He still even at 16 months does not say any words. He does like to Roar or make Growling animal sounds a lot but that is about it. He will occasionally say Mama when he is extremely upset but only then! It's so weird I can't tell if it is just coincidence or not b/c it is only when he is hysterically crying about something. But I am convincing myself to just give it time. Kaitlyn was a very slow talker as well and now she is fine. She can say most anything now. She still isn't a very clear talker, but she talks. So I'm sure he will get there in his own time.
Brayden has also gotten to his independent stage. He is starting to refuse to ride in grocery carts. He keeps trying to stand up, but then if you buckle him in he throws a fit and I just have to keep doing my shopping with a crying baby looking like "that mom." He also has started getting pickier about his food which I do not like. Sometimes if he is hungry and I put something on his tray and it is not what he wanted he gets mad and starts throwing it around with his hands. It drives me crazy! He also throws things when he's mad. Even himself! He will fling himself onto the floor and roll around crying! If we are at home, it is funny and I laugh, but of course out in public not so much :) Overall though as long as he is not sick he is a very even tempered baby. He is still a very sweet boy. In the mornings when I get him out of bed, he either immediately needs to be fed his cereal or else he has to be held by me. No one else. If Justin tries to take him from me he gets mad and throws a fit. Unless it is for his cereal. Both my kids love their morning cereal. Which is easy enough for me. Always either Frosted mini wheats or rice krispies. I do enjoy finally having a baby that likes to cuddle. If he is grumpy after a nap he likes to be held for a while as well.
Brayden and Kaitlyn have also gotten to a stage where they have started to play together well. In fact Brayden is by far Kaitlyn's best friend! She always wants him around. If he is napping I am convinced that she is loud on purpose so he will wake up. But I will really be happy once he is talking and they can really play together. But for now they play really well in their play kitchen and Kaitlyn loves to "read" him books while he just sits there. It's cute. I wish I had a picture to go with Brayden's 15 month post but unfortunately I am an extremely slack photographer.
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