Monday, April 4, 2011

I Quit!

I really did it. I quit my job today. It has been a long time coming, and I am not finished officially, but the notice is in. I am giving my work a 2 months notice since I am currently the ONLY one that does my job, or really knows even how to work everything since they decided to lay off my other 5 co-workers over the past few years. But I feel like giant weight has been lifted off my shoulder already. I knew I wanted to quit, I have just been dreading giving the notice. I HATE confrontations like that. But I am happy to say it went well. My boss was very professional about it and only had nice things to say. Although my two month notice, vs. two weeks made it much easier on him. So now I just have to figure out how I am going to go into the office regularly to train my replacement once they have found someone. My decision to quit has been a long time coming. I knew I wanted to just be a stay at home mom ever since Kaitlyn was born, but we still had a lot of debt and since I had to opportunity to work from home, we decided to take advantage of it. But lately it has been getting harder and harder to manage while still tending to Kaitlyn as she gets older and more demanding. I find that as work gets busier (which it has picked up quite a bit lately) that I have been getting more and more stressed out. And I find myself taking it out on Kaitlyn which is not good. I just feel so guilty when I have all this work to do and I am sitting at my computer and Kaitlyn is hanging on my leg and I am having to try and tell her to go play somewhere else. Not good. I know this decision is the right thing, although finances will definitely be tight now. Luckily we have all of our debt (minus mortgage of course) paid off so we will just have to live very cheaply...even more so for those who already make fun! haha! So my two month notice should be up sometime probably mid-June and then I will be able to enjoy the remainder of my summer as a regular stay at home mom! So bring on the play dates everyone!


  1. Congrats!!!! I am excited for you.

  2. So happy for you! Jane will love to have play dates with the only other girl her age!
