My Beautiful Baby Boy!
All the new babies (Brayden, Ellie, Isaiah)
All the new babies (Brayden, Ellie, Isaiah)
About to head to the hospital
About 1 minute after he was born
Kaitlyn meeting Brayden for the first time
(Above: asleep on the pillows we put at the bottom of her bed in case she fell out. Below: asleep in the middle of the floor with baby beside her :)
I can't remember if I have mentioned it before, but Kaitlyn is a mini-hoarder. We joke that she is going to end up on the show. Seriously she hoards everything. She has a cozy coupe that she loves to load with all sorts of random stuff and then try and squeeze into it to. We can't leave any room of the house without her arms full of anything she can possibly carry with her. In her bed we find tons of books, toys, etc. after she has fallen asleep. She also loves to have all of her stuff buried on top of her. (See below :))
Just holding the bread out for them...
I think this may have been the goose that bit her :)
This past weekend we went to my mom's house to help her build a square foot garden and Kaitlyn had a horrible accident. Justin had been driving the riding Lawn Mower to haul bags of soil, and while we were all busy Kaitlyn touch a hot part on the mower and her hand blistered up pretty bad. She was pitiful. We soaked it in chilled Aloe Vera Juice for about 20 minutes and then wrapped in up in a bandage and she passed out from crying so much. Definitely her worst injury so far :( I was so impressed by how she handled it though. The initial burn was horrible, but ever since she woke up from the following nap, she has not even been bothered by it! We kept it bandaged the first day and she just used her other hand for everything and kept the injured hand up at her side. After that we took off the bandage to let it breath and it hasn't even slowed her down! I am worried about infection though. She won't let us touch it, so every time she is asleep we go and coat it with neosporin and she doesn't mind it being washed in the bath tub. Here are some pictures of her bandaged hand :( But also some happier pictures prior to her injury over at Mom's house: