Back at the very end of May we received a second offer on our house! I was hesitant to accept b/c it was a contingency and I was afraid of taking our house back off the market and then it falling through again like the first time around, but our agent told us she felt much better about this one. Since Melissa was not our real agent, just a flat fee agent, she wasn't required to help us out at all, but did much more than she had to that's for sure! She looked over the offer and spoke to the buyer's agent and told us that the Buyer's house was already under contract and they already had preapproval for the loan. They were also from Michigan and had only came into town for the weekend to find a house and loved ours! That made me feel a lot better b/c I knew they wouldn't be able to really just change their mind without having to make another trip back down here to find another house! So we countered back and actually ended up settling at our original sales price before we decided to raise our price back when we realized we were a lot lower than everyone else in the neighborhood. So we were very happy!
The buyers wanted a 30 day closing but after our first offer falling through 3 weeks after the offer, I was afraid to do anything until due diligence was over. So after 15 days we started packing as much as we could to fill the garage up even more. But I still didn't want to do too much until the Inspection and Appraisal were finished b/c I wanted the house to look nice still! Well unfortunately the Appraisal never happened until the Friday before our Movers were scheduled to come on the following Monday. That was by far the worst weekend I can remember! Moving out of our house has been one of the worst things I have ever done. I don't know how other people move around so often unless they have companies moving them. Justin and I both way underestimated the amount of work involved in packing up an entire house, and of course me being pregnant didn't make it any easier. It took soooo long just to pack up one room! And so many boxes! You don't realize how much junk you accumulate over 8 years! At this point in time I didn't really have time to sort and declutter so once we finally get moved into our new house I will be getting rid of everything that is not necessary!
That Monday our movers show up 10 minutes early. But unfortunately the two moving pods that we had ordered were 30 minutes late so the movers were basically standing around for a while. Then the horrible parts of moving just kept on coming. Justin had thought that two moving pods would be plenty for us. Well after the movers fill up the first two, we were still no where even close. As much as I hated having to pay for a third one, we had no choice. We assumed the third one would be half empty. No. Not at all. Our movers are long gone at this point, so it is only Justin and I left to pack up the third pod over the course of the next day. We packed it to the brim, stuffing every nook and cranny that we could find and our house was still full of stuff! There was no way that we were buying a fourth pod, so luckily my mom had recently bought a small trailer and hitch for her Subaru. We were able to make a couple trips with her trailer and just took the rest of our stuff over to her house to load up in here garage since we were moving in there. We then spend the rest of the night back at our old house cleaning and touching up paint before the closing. It was the worst three days I can remember in a long time! I was so stressed out, exhausted, and having break downs over any little thing multiple times a day!
I should also say that one reason I was extra stressed out was b/c that Monday afternoon, I forgot that I had to take Kaitlyn to a consultation at an oral surgeon. A month or so ago, the routine X-rays at Kaitlyn's dental visit showed up some black spots on her gums. They weren't sure what it was so she was referred to the oral surgeon. It had taken a while to get the appointment so I totally forgot about it and of course it happened to come on the worst time possible. So in we go and I really don't know what to expect. Turns out that she has a cyst in her gum that is expanding into the root system of both her middle front tooth and the tooth right next to it. It is highly unlikely that it is cancerous, but of course that is a concern as well and basically it just needs to be removed. It will continue to grow, impacting her root system and also prevent her permanent teeth from being able to come down. They then tell me that it may involve removing all four of her top front teeth b/c it is better to have them match up so the permanent teeth can come down at the same time. By this time with all the stress I have going on with the move and then hearing that my baby girl will have to have a major surgery under anethesia and wake up with four missing top teeth and realize that she will have to start her first days as kindergarten like that I lose it. I just start crying and saying I just have no idea what to do. Anyway, I leave the office a nervous wreck still undecided what to even do, but then have to go back to moving and packing. We finally finish everything and leave to go to my Mom's house. It was sad, b/c I was so exhausted and tired that I didn't even really get time to look around and say goodbye to our first house since we were so rushed to get out of there. I really will miss that house! It was the home we welcomed three of our children into!
So after that we have our closing and that goes extremely smoothly. Since the buyers were actually still in Michigan, they weren't even there and the whole thing literally took about 5 minutes. Now we are adjusting to living with my mom. The first week was horrible b/c we had so much stuff that we had to try and organize and find places to put it all as it was taking over her house! I have been struggling the most b/c it is very hard to not have my own space. We were just saying we can deal with these cramped living quarters until our house was ready in August, but then we receive bad news from our Agent who says she spoke with the builder and they told her some time in September. I was really hoping that we would miraculously be moved into our new house before the baby arrives and that it would be great! But unfortunately it looks like baby will be born while we are still living with my mom and Justin and I will have both Allie and a newborn all rooming in the same room as us! Ahh! Well for now I am just trying to make the best of it and hope that these next couple months fly by!
Below are a few pictures of our old home so I can remember what it looked like! I will miss you first house!!!
Last Family Picture in front of our house and this was the best we could get!
Brayden and Kaitlyn's Room
Allie's Room
Our Room
Kitchen and Breakfast
Living Room
Family Room